eCommerce success story: the story of Saigu Cosmetics (2)
Laia Ordoñez
Let´s continue analyzing the (brief) story of Saigu Cosmetics, the natural makeup and cosmetics brand that is sweeping social networks.
Let´s continue analyzing the (brief) story of Saigu Cosmetics, a new non-toxic makeup and cosmetics brand that, to everyone's surprise, is taking the market by storm, carving out a not inconsiderable niche for itself in the natural beauty products niche.Last week we put you in context by explaining the birth of Saigu and the philosophy behind. Today, we are going to go into more detail by analyzing some very important aspects of its marketing strategy.As we said a few days ago, it is very surprising that a start-up company, which also sells makeup products -a very mature sector- and whose development has coincided with a home confinement, is now on everyone's lips and growing like crazy. What is its secret?Here are some of the keys.
Saigu Cosmetics: naming
It is clear that the founders of Saigu have made an effort to keep consistency between their intentions, the type of product developed and the name they have given to their brand. In fact, a few days ago we, the followers of the brand, received a nice newsletter explaining the origin of the naming, which as you will see, fits like a glove.
Apparently, Gerard and David discovered in China a valley called Jiuzhaigou 4 years ago. It is an incredibly fertile valley, with rivers, waterfalls, wild animals... a living and wonderful natural ecosystem, very much in line with the brand they wanted to create.However, Zhaigou, the first option they thought of, seemed difficult to pronounce. From there they went to Zaigu and from Zaigu to S'aigua, "water" in Menorcan. As you will know if you read the first post of the series, Gerard and David are Menorcans, and as you will also know if you have been to Menorca, the island is a real natural paradise that has nothing to envy to the Jiuzhaigou valley in China. From S'aigua they changed to Saigu and this was the name chosen.Apart from that, the choice could not be better: water is synonymous with life, nature, authenticity; without water human beings could not live. What is more, Saigu's star product, its fluid foundation, melts into the skin as if it were water, perfecting its appearance - filling it with life, like water - without its presence being noticed.
INSIGHT: Do not just go with the first name that comes to your mind, or the one that is easiest to use. If you think about it, you may end up with an idea as wonderful as the one these two Menorcans came up with. Saigu identifies its Menorcan origin, reflects its sustainable and toxic-free vocation and is also perfectly internationalized -all at the same time. A tailor-made naming.
Saigu Cosmetics and online marketing
While telling the story of Saigu Cosmetics the other day, we stopped at the moment when the company was confined and had to stop the machines to rethink its priorities. We said that, at that time, they decided to focus more on cosmetic products, as they thought they would have more output during the time when people could not leave the house.Thus, they launched a day serum and a night serum, which today are the only two cosmetic products that the brand has for sale.What is relevant about all this is that, despite the confinement, they kept launching new products through Instagram and TikTok, while reinforcing their presence in these social networks.We were saying it the other day: the confinement resulted in people spending most of their day connected to social networks, with all the business opportunities and fame that this implied for digital brands like Saigu.Given that they were at a critical point where they were either growing or dying, they opted for a headlong rush, putting all their eggs in the social media basket, betting on online marketing based on reputation, social proof and word-of-mouth, as well as collaboration with key influencers. And this commitment has been fundamental to its growth ever since.
INSIGHT: It is in times of need that the truly necessary ideas come to the fore: why get bogged down with a complex marketing plan at a time when you need quick results? Saigu relied on social media and established links with lifestyle and makeup influencers who were 100% aligned with their brand values. These links have been maintained after the pandemic and to this day are yielding impressive results.
Alliances with influencers
One of the first things they noticed was that Instagram and TikTok had different age audiences. Thus, they sought to partner with influencers that were aspirational for each of the majority female profiles in each of these networks.Thus, we can see that on Instagram the brand works with lifestyle influencers such as Loreto Gala (40 years old, image director of Two Thirds and wife of its founder) and makeup artists such as María Català (unknown age although young, but certainly aspirational for an audience between 30 and 45 years old):
While on TikTok the collaborating influencers are younger, clearly with the idea of capturing the members of Generation Z; and among them we find Carla Gavilán -who is also Saigu's brand image representing the younger audience-, the model Miriam Cava or the creator of humorous content for reels and TikTok @dianapopb:
@caarlagavilan1 Enamorada de este maquillaje ???? #maquillateconmigo #makeuptutorial #easymakeup #maquillajefacilysencillo ? Honest - Justin Bieber -
@miriamcavap Nuevos labiales de @saigucosmetics ?? ?? #nuevolanzamiento #saigucosmetics #labialesrojos #labial #tendencia #novedad #tonosrojos #pintalabios ? sonido original - Miriam Cava -
@saigucosmetics Los dramitas de crear contenido en tiktok ???? #humorenespañol #creadordecontenido #maquillaje #tiktoker #makeup ? Pieces (Solo Piano Version) - Danilo Stankovic -
This is just a small sample of what you can find on Instagram and TikTok if you do an exhaustive search of what Saigu Cosmetics is doing. But the brand has teamed up with many, many more influencers, who are giving it impressive exposure on these two networks, especially on TikTok. Just check out Saigu's TikTok profile, where you will find short videos of all the influencers who collaborate with them. And watch out, he is also very present in collaborations with successful Youtubers.
INSIGHT: Keep an eye on the future and work your way into the favor of the younger audience. Go where they are and strive to speak their language, using their favorite interlocutors. Note that on Saigu's TikTok profile, almost everything is third-party videos collaborating with the brand; the brand does not have its own voice, but gives it to the influencers it works with. They, at the end of the day, are the ones who know how to speak to their audience.
Launches and products developed with influencers
But they have not only stuck to short videos and quick makeup tutorials: they have also opted for serious collaborations with specialized influencers that have involved consulting, launching and developing products.Paradigmatic is the case of makeup artist Maria Català, with whom they have developed the 2 shades of the now famous Saigu cream bronzer, which sold out in a matter of hours after its launch on the web and Instagram.Saigu experimented for the occasion with the format of live streaming with product sales. This is a controversial format that works for some brands and not so much for others; but in the case of Saigu it has been a resounding success, to the point of bringing them to the brink of dying of success.So much so that with Maria Català they have ventured to develop from scratch an illuminator, with 2 shades and a composition of incredible quality, which they also pre-launched in streaming via Instagram live and that, on this occasion, allowed them to experiment with product pre-sale.
Working closely with influencers specialized in makeup has an advantage in this case, and that is that it allows to show how to use several products of the same brand together, thus enhancing cross selling and the sale of bundle products, which as we will see next day is a strong bet on the website of Saigu Cosmetics.Another tactic that usually works very well on social networks, especially on Instagram, are the discount codes offered by influencers. At Saigu, they do not miss this opportunity and offer discount codes to their collaborators to further facilitate that first sale that leads the audience to try the product.Last but not least, a very prominent aspect of their online marketing is social proof. In each of the photos on networks where their products appear, there are dozens of comments raving about it. We do not know to what extent these comments are true, but they seem very reliable and there is no doubt that they have a huge influence on the decision to try the product.
INSIGHT: To gauge what networks can do for your brand, do not be afraid to experiment and take a few risks. It is great to go for strategies that are already known to work - such as influencer discount codes - but do not disregard others, such as live streams with product sales, just because other well-known brands have not done well: you may be in for a surprise.Also, do not forget the influence that customers themselves have on other customers: be sure to pin up positive comments and respond politely and dicerningly to any complaints that may arise. People read the comments!
This is the end of our analysis of Saigu Cosmetics' social media marketing. Do not miss the next post because we will dive into their online store to get insights that you can apply to your business.
Images | Saigu Cosmetics.